- save track in IGC format
- horizontal speed test
- recode maximum distance for polygon
    > from each point to each point
    > get max from those who have no intersections with the polygon segments!

[2.59 :: 2021.08.07]
- added function CMOVE to make a copy of a point and move it
- IGC: fixed reading height from XX1 and XL1 records (default is in feet!)
- CMOVE: added code for Swiss Grid
- IGC.correctQNH updated based on Marc André's new code

[2.58 :: 2021.08.06]
- date +2000 instead of +1900
- RDAD: calculate 3D do separation height, not to ground

[2.57 :: 2021.07.24]
- read XL1 record from IGC and replace last XX1
- not just read I05 from IGC but any I record

[2.56 :: 2019.05.30]
- added optional radius fir SPCH
- updated guessing algorithm for MPDG for FORMAT_CH
- load & show PZs if new track is being loaded
- wrong sign used for "less"
- some NOK remarks were not yet displayed in red in the report
- linked wrong associated points for MPDG when loading IGC file

[2.55 :: 2018.08.28]
- added optional parameter for drawing a radius around a MVMD

[2.54 :: 2018.08.19]
- remove any graphical when new track is loaded 
- modified rounding for distances do meters
- modified rounding for areas to 2 decimals
- used declared goal height as default in MPDG editor

[2.53 :: 2018.07.22]
- modified ANG3P to display 180-angle
- fixed a bug that made the map viewport reset after analyzing
- fixed a problem displaying circulare areas on the map

[2.52 :: 2018.07.21]
- added a function to copy a point with a new height
- using Haversine formula to calculate 3D distance between to point in different UTM zones
- if FAS specifies QNH, GUI will be updated
- added editor for MPDG during scripting, so user could correct the guess

[2.51 :: 2018.07.20]
- modified point-in-polygon check on long/lat in order to works cross UTM zones
- open generated PDF report even from a folder with a space in it
- added OR and AND checks

[2.50 :: 2015.08.14]
- FAS: bugfix for "SDAD" record

[2.49 :: 2015.04.19]
- added time string auto correction routine (8:53:00 --> 08:53:30)
- FAS: added "SDAD" definition

[2.48 :: 2013.08.24]
- fixed a bug when a logger is not found in the instrument error file
- removed dependencies to the deprecated "Swing Application Framework"

[2.47 :: 2013.05.13]
- added support for new fields in IGC files

[2.46 :: 2012.07.12]
- fixed a bug when loading a configuration file
- fixed a bug when saving a configuration file

[2.45 :: 2012.05.17]
- fixed a displaying bug for output of CH coordinates
- fixed another problem with CH coordinates
- MPDG interpretation for CH coordinates is different than for UTM
- reverted to old PZpoly.getPointsInside(Track) [it's a PZ!!]

[2.44 :: 2012.05.06]
- corrected an error in PZpoly.getPointsInside(Track) [Thanks to Garry]
- cleaned up the project by deleting some old classes

[2.43 :: 2011.07.28-31]
- report adjustments
- the lines in the error reporting were suffixed by a "1"
- read pilot number from IGC file an put on the report
- RDAD was wrong!
- changed CHECK-point to support value adjustment
- a lot of minor changes in the way data is displayed on the report
- added CHECK for distance between two points
- show marks and declarations from IGC files as waypoints
- fixing a bug while drawing radius for statically defined points
- some minor bugfixes
- added CHECK on area's
- show coordinates where the mouse is in the status bar
- the path of the latest loaded file is now stored in the INI file
- revised exception throwing
- the script no accepts file to be addressed relatively to the script file

[2.42 :: 2011.06.26]
- waypoints of GPX files are now being read an drawn on the map

[2.41 :: 2011.06.06]
- added configurable report title to flight report configuration

[2.40 :: 2011.06.03]
- fixed the GPX import to also load timeless tracks
- fixed the getDistance2D reverting lat/long calculations in case
  of the UTM zone change (only the zone letter)

[2.39 :: 2010.08.26]
- patched lat/long convertion for Nordic Hot Air Championship 2010
  see uk.me.jstott.jcoord.LatLng.java line 452

[2.38 :: 2010.08.23]
- fixed a bug which prevents the scripting engine output

[2.37 :: 2010.07.27]
- FAS: added "SET" record
- FAS: removed "FORMAT" record
- added more error handling to the script engine
- removed a bug on Mac OSX while starting PDF documents

[2.36 :: 2010.07.26]
- coded a flight report configurator adding a lot of new output features
- replaced the old report generator by the new one
- clean up of the interface to fit the actual needs
- updated javax-ws from version 2009_02_22 to 2009-06-15

[2.35 :: 2010.07.24]
- PZ infringements list
- getFirstMarker updated
- getFirstDeclaration updated
- multiple marker drops are shown on the map
- multiple declaration marks are shown on the map
- no autocenter to track zones after analysing

[2.34 :: 2010.07.23]
- fixed an issue with displaying point times
- fixed an date issue while loading IGC files
- added "SPFV" for function POINT
- alerts are marked in red on the report
- added signatures boxes to report for script results and PZ-infringements
- removed "PZ" from function CHECK
- different corrections in PZ infringement checks
- added graph for each infringed PZ
- double clicking on a point of the listing centers the map to this point 
  at full zoom level
- invalid track points are colored in the listing in red

[2.33 :: 2010.07.23]
- added "ANGSD" for function RESULT
- PDF now also open automatically on Mac OSX
- checks with result "NOK" are marked in red on the report

[2.32 :: 2010.07.21]
- trackfiles can now be dropped to the listing of to the map to load them
- fixed a PID problem while loading IGC files
- added QNH correction for loading IGC files
- added instrument error for IGC files
- FAS: a line ending with a ";" is evaluated but not printed
- FAS: a line ending with a "!" is highlighted during output
- added "AND" to function CHECK
- added "OR" to function CHECK
- added error messages to LIST functions if named points are not found
- fixed a lot of code due to the fix of the PID problem
- disabled takeoff/landing because it acts only on the map (not on the script!)

[2.31 :: 2010.07.20]
- posibility to save / load the actual configuration parameters

[2.30 :: 2010.06.27]
- scripting errors are now printed directely on the report
- complemented the part while reading PDG in IGC formated files
- fixed a displaying bug concerning invalid points

[2.29 :: 2010.06.25]
- added "ANG3P" for script function RESULT (angle between 3 points)
- added "ANGTN" for script function RESULT (angle to the north)
- upgraded iText library from version 2.1.7 to 5.0.2
- added date/time, version & pagenumber on the report

[2.28 :: 2010.06.24]
- fixed some bugs wile reading IGC format
- QNH correction for IGC format
- added "DADRG" for script function RESULT
- updated "POINT" for function CHECK
- replaced "DADRG" by "RDAD" for script RESULT
- do not show invalid points on the map
- fixed some other bugs
- added "LCP" for functopn "POINT" (list closest point)
- implemented "MPDG" (for function "POINT") (marker pilot declared goal)
- improved drawing algorithm
- output all variables during check

[2.27 :: 2010.06.21]
- fixed a bug while entering a user point manually
- added script function "FORMAT"

[2.26 :: 2010.06.19]
- PZ instructions are now case insensitive
- implemented UPCH
- implemented MVMD
- killed a very evil bug
- added some "browse" buttons

[2.25 :: 2010.05.30]
- added "POINTCH" for script function MAP
- added "SPCH" (static point CH) for script function POINT
- added class "lu.fisch.boxy2.elements.Maker" (extends Point)
- added marker and declaration support for IGC files (no actions yet ...)
- added "CHcircle" to the possible PZL format

[2.24 :: 2009.09.07]
- rewrote the PHP script on the tile server to redirect to the OSM server in case
  a local tile is not found (no caching yet ...)

[2.23 :: 2009.09.04]
- wrote a PHP script to serve the tiles and do the TSM -> OSM tile transformation
    > return a blank tile if no other available

[2.22 :: 2009.09.03]
- found a program to make a Ozi MAP-file fit into a lat/long box:
    > MapWel (http://www.mapwel.eu/)
- using MapTiler, the produced tiles fit 100%

[2.21 :: 2009.08.29]
- documented the PZL format

[2.20 :: 2009.08.28]
- found program to tile maps:
    > MapTiler (http://www.maptiler.org)
- got a first map integrated into the JXMapKit viewer

[2.19 :: 2009.08.27]
- debugging of the "map" defition types
- stated investigation on integrating a scanned map

[2.18 :: 2009.08.26]
- tuned OziExport somewhat
- areas loaded during scripting are now drawn on the map
- added "map" as defition type to the scripting engine
- added user input for UTM point

[2.17 :: 2009.08.25]
- added PZ check to scripting engine
- implemeted batch scripting mode for fast analysis
- a lot of debugging ;-)
- batch mode for analysing existing tracks (all files from the given track folder)

[2.16 :: 2009.08.24]
- added penalty calculation for blue PZ infringements
- added landing PID track cutting
- implemented batch analysing mode

[2.15 :: 2009.08.23]
- added GPS device identification via waypoint file
    > syntax: +xyz+ where "xyz" is the competitor number
- added COM port selection
- speeded up COM port communication
- added backup track path folder where a copy is saved
- added penalty calculation for red PZ infringements

[2.14 :: 2009.08.22]
- the competition filenames for tracks can now be coonfigured in the INI file
    > %e%   the event name
    > %f#%  the flight number where "#" is the total length the number is being zero prefied
    > %c#%  the competitor number where "#" is the total length the number is being zero prefied
    > Example:  template=E[%e%]F[%f3%]C[%c3%]
- the url of the tile server is now also editable via the INI file
    > Example: url=http://tile.openstreetmap.org (standard server if none specified)
    > Example: url=http://matt.sandbox.cloudmade.com/123/3/256
- added config GUI for those two elements

[2,13 :: 2009.08.20]
- added methods to the FAS format

[2.12 :: 2009.08.19]
- result points returned by the scripting engine are now
    > shown on the map
    > automatically passed into OziExplorer
- added button to analyse the currently loaded track
- display speed up 
    > by showing track dots only at higher zoom levels
    > by drawing only points inside the current viewport

[2.11 :: 2009.08.19]
- completed some more method of the scripting engine
- fixed a bug with the listing component
- tested different FAS commands
- defined extended syntax for FAS
- implemented the extended FAS systax in the scriptin engine

[2.10 :: 2009.08.18]
- eliminated bug in the Java Web Start
- modified the report

[2.09 :: 2009.08.17]
- defined the "flight analysis script" format (FAS)
- completed somewhat the scripting engine
- added the scripting engine to the report
- recoded the date conversion for reading PLT files
    > the new code is a lot faster than the old one!

[2.08 :: 2009.08.16]
- implemented a first version of a script engine to evaluate tasks

[2.07 :: 2009.08.10]
- added button to load the track automatically in OziExplorer
- added button to load a track from any other file
- added icons to some buttons
- elimintated bug in class "MapArea" and "PZlist"

[2.06 :: 2009.08.09]
- added settings to chose the COM port for track downloading

[2.05 :: 2009.08.08]
- added speed limit informations to the report
- increased quality of the altitude graph on the report
- added vertical speed to track listing
- added statistics to automatic flight report
    > total 2D, 3D & alititude distance
    > total time
    > average vertical & horizontal speed
    > minimum & maximum altitude
- allow to cut off the track by specifying the take-off PID

[2.04 :: 2009.08.07]
- added vertical speed limit analysis
- added parameters for
    > speed limit
    > speed limit sensitivity interval

[2.03 :: 2009.08.06]
- ported class "MapListing" to Boxy2
- added track linsting tu UO
- PZ list file is no a parameter
- the logo for the report is now a parameter

[2.02 :: 2009.08.05]
- redefined PZ (poly+circle)
- added map drawing elements
    > MapPoint
    > MapArea
    > MapTrack
- added map
- modified flight report
    > only those PZ with infringments are shown
- modified "StringList" to load lists from an URL
- added class "PZlist"
- defined PZL format for list of PZ's
- list of PZ's are loaded automatically during start
- configured webstart to work with DLL's
- preferences are persistent
    > load on start
    > save on quit

[2.01 :: 2009.08.04]
- load track from GPX format
- load track from PLT format
- load track from IGC format
- load from TPW format
- added class "PZ"
- added class "FlightReport" which generates a PDF
- defined PZ

[2.00 :: 2009.08.03]
- download track from Garmin serial device
    > based on RXTX (http://www.rxtx.org)
- save track in PLT format (Ozi Explorer)
- save track in GPX format